1 Male, Standardbred Horse for Sale in Canada

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Lotsa - Male Standardbred Mix

Lotsa is a gelding standing approx hands high. His hock was broken early in life. Due to this he cannot be ridden but would make a great buddy for another horse. He is sweet and likes attion. A swe... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Woodstock, NB, Canada

More information on Standardbred

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Standardbreds are a breed of horse best known for their ability to race in harness at a trot or pace instead of under saddle at a gallop. Developed in North America, the breed is now recognized worldwide for its harness racing ability. They are solid, well-built horses with good dispositions that are also used under saddle for a variety of equestrian activities, particularly in the Midwest and eastern United States.

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