732 Horses for Sale in Pennsylvania US

showing results 721 - 730 of 732


price: $800

Black White Tobiano Gypsy Vanner Stallion at Stud 15hh Triple Registered

Stunning Black White piebald homozygous black EE aa Tt triple registered DNA veritifed GVHS GCDHA IDHA GYPSY VANNER Stallion Rosewater Cassidy Sid by BSG Taliesin who is by The Bishop. Sid stands 1... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Beaver Springs, PA, United States


price: $7,500

Spectacular Black Arabian Colt

Love is an absolutely lovely two year old registered black Arabian colt with a very dished head. He has been with a trainer for basic handling work leads loads ties has had regular worming has had ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Chicora, PA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt True a Thoroughbred

True is a 22yr old thoroughbred mare. When Trues racing career ended, she was used as a broodmare. She is best suited as a companion horse, although she is healthy and sound. She stands well for gr... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

York, PA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Dean - In Foster a Miniature / Mixed horse in Quakertown, PA (19523765)

Dean is a 5yr old mini horse. He arrived to our facility in the fall of 2017 with several other minis from auction. He was very nervous when he 1st arrived. We aren't sure if he was mistreated or j... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Adopt-a-Pet.com

Quakertown, PA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Shanti - In Foster a Quarterhorse / Paint/Pinto / Mixed horse in

Shanti is a fourteen hand, ten year old Quarter Horse paint cross that was part of a humane seizure. Before coming to us she probably wasn't handled much if at all by humans, so she has come a long... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Adopt-a-Pet.com

Quakertown, PA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Eric - In Foster a Standardbred

Update: Eric is currently in a foster home but is still available for adoption. He will be returned to the property for serious inquiries only. Eric is a 19 yr old off-the-track Standardbred with n... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Quakertown, PA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Shanti - In Foster a Quarterhorse, Paint / Pinto

Shanti is a fourteen hand, 10yr old Quarter Horse paint cross that was part of a humane seizure. Before coming to us she probably wasn't handled much if at all by humans, so she has come a long way... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Quakertown, PA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Eliza a Appaloosa

*Update* At this time Eliza is at our turnout facility and can be brought back for serious inquires. She is a 14.3 hand, 8yr old appaloosa mare who was rescued from a neglect situation in the winte... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Quakertown, PA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Eliza a Appaloosa / Mixed horse in Quakertown, PA (19268941)

*Update* At this time Eliza is at our turnout facility and can be brought back for serious inquires. She is a 14.3 hand, 8 yr old appaloosa mare who was rescued from a neglect situation in the wi... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Adopt-a-Pet.com

Quakertown, PA, United States


price: $6,500

Beautiful bay roan for any discipline

Stunning 4yr old bay roan filly by thoroughbred stallion out of blue roan ranch bred quarter horse. Very correct lovable temperament easy to handle. Currently wtc under saddle super quiet and easy.... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Doylestown, PA, United States