showing results 11 - 20 of 25
price: $7,500
Verona, WI, United States
price: $2,500
Verona, WI, United States
price: $2,800
Highland, MI, United States
price: $650
Eugene, OR, United States
price: $7,500
Santa Rosa, CA, United States
price: $700
Union, MS, United States
price: $25,000
Danville, KY, United States
price: $4,500
Brighton, CO, United States
price: $1,800
Taylorsville, GA, United States
price: $15,000
Verona, WI, United States
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The American Saddlebred, formerly known as the American Saddle Horse, is a breed of horse that was developed in Kentucky by plantation owners. Today, in the horse show world, they are most commonly seen under saddle in Saddle seat style riding, and in various types of driving, including pleasure driving and various types of fine harness competition. They are also occasionally seen in other disciplines including dressage, hunter/jumper, and western riding. They also are popular parade mounts and used for trail riding due to their comfortable gait and steady temperament.
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