showing results 1 - 7 of 7
price: $15,000
Moorpark, CA, United States
price: $10,000
Morriston, FL, United States
price: $1,250
Barboursville, VA, United States
price: $40,000
Anthony, FL, United States
price: $950
Eugene, OR, United States
price: $900
Barboursville, VA, United States
price: $1,500
Barboursville, VA, United States
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The Holsteiner is a breed of horse originating in the Schleswig-Holstein region of northern Germany. It is thought to be the oldest of warmblood breeds, tracing back to the 13th century. Though the population is not large, Holsteiners are a dominant force of international show jumping, and are found at the top levels of dressage, combined driving, show hunters, and eventing.
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