2,081 Male, Quarter Horses for Sale in United States

showing results 2,001 - 2,010 of 2,081


price: $450

Foundation bred Gold Champagne Dun standing for 2018

Book your mare now!! Jagger is registered with the AQHA FQHA 87.11 and ICHR. Jag is a nicely built stud. He is exceptionally athletic and has color to boot. He has been tested NN for HYPP PSSM MH G... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Marshfield, ME, United States


price: $1,000

Son of Bully Bullion dam by Frenchmans Guy 100 Color Sire EEAACrcr

Buckskin Son of BULLY BULLION and dam is by FRENCHMANS GUY standing at stud NOT for sale and he sires 100 Color Homozygous Black EEAACrcr. Sires Buckskins and BayBrown foals on ALL red or bay mares... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Snyder, OK, United States


price: $500

Proven QH Stud in Maine out of Three Bars and Leo

Dexter Maximillion is a reg 13 yr old QH living here in Southern Maine and the MOST amazing gentleman you have EVER met. He is under saddle nice blood lines and my love of my life very happy stud w... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

West Baldwin, ME, United States


price: $2,000

2015 Poco Bueno Filly

Beautiful dun filly pony. 23 716 Poco Bueno. Not broke yet. 14HH and athletic. Nice gaming pony prospect. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Chinquapin, NC, United States


price: $4,989

Big hipped power built beautiful Palomino Gelding Dont pass him up

Baron is bred in the purple you should be able to go in just about any direction you want with this guy and WOW look at that color conformation pretty head super dispostion . He goes back to Invest... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Frederick, SD, United States


price: $500

Son of Kid Coolsified in Northern Utah

Clus Skipa Hope is by Kid Coolsified and out of Shamarra Rio Redd. Known fondly as Bear this amazing stallion was retired from showing at halter due to a blemish. This mark has had no impact on his... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

North Logan, UT, United States


price: $800

Cremello stallion

Cremello stallion. Very calm demeanor. Color producer. Halter grand champion Registered with the foundation quarter horse association. 93.03 foundation. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Summers, AR, United States


price: $1,000

ZZ 2011 black son of Dash Ta Fame X Zelena Zbar stands Rising Star TX

ZZ 2011 black son of Dash Ta Fame X Zelena Zbar stands Rising Star TX Dash Ta Fame has been the number 1 barrel producer in the world for numerous years and it is now time for his sons to fill his ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Rising Star, TX, United States


price: $1,400

A Streak of Fame by ASOF brther to Fame Fling N Bling

A Streak of Fame 2005 AQHA FF son from the 1st foal crop of A Streak of Fling out of a daughter of Dash Ta Fame. A Streak of Fame is a gorgeous bay roan highly colored easy to manage. A Streak of F... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Rising Star, TX, United States


price: $550


Pixys Joak earned IBHA Stallion Halter points Lunge line points. Sires tall and correct foals with excellent dispositions. Sires a high of duns and grullas. He does not have any white markings. Spe... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Ripon, WI, United States

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More information on Quarter Horse

160px barrel racing

The American Quarter Horse is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name came from its ability to outdistance other breeds of horses in races of a quarter mile or less; some individuals have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph (88.5 km/h). The American Quarter Horse is the most popular breed in the United States today, and the American Quarter Horse Association is the largest breed registry in the world, with more than 4 million American Quarter Horses registered.

The American Quarter Horse is well known both as a race horse and for its performance in rodeos, horse shows and as a working ranch horse. The compact body of the American Quarter Horse is well-suited to the intricate and speedy maneuvers required in reining, cutting, working cow horse, barrel racing, calf roping, and other western riding events, especially those involving live cattle. The American Quarter Horse is also shown in English disciplines, driving, and many other equestrian activities.

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