1 Red, Paso Fino Horse for Sale

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Flasy Red Dun Paso Fino

Flashy Red Dun Mare (looks like a buckskin)I bought her last year around February . She is a great horse nice gait and will go just about anywhere you point her. I mainly trail ride with her and sh... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

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More information on Paso Fino

160px blood bay paso fino horse

The Paso Fino is a naturally-gaited light horse breed dating back to horses imported to the Caribbean from Spain. Pasos are prized for their smooth, natural, four beat, lateral ambling gait and are used in many disciplines, but are especially popular for trail riding. In the United States there are two main groups of horses that are popularly called "Paso Fino:" One, also known as the Pure Puerto Rican Paso Fino (PPR), originated in Puerto Rico. The other, often called the Colombian Paso Fino or Colombian Criollo Horse (CCC), developed in Colombia. Though from similar Spanish ancestors, the two groups developed independently of one another in their home nations.

These two groups have been frequently crossbred in the United States and Europe. In recent years, a trend has developed favoring preservation breeding to preserve the undiluted bloodlines of each group.

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