2 Red, Female, Cutting Horses for Sale

showing results 1 - 2 of 2

price: $5,000

2014 Red Dun cutting bred mare

High Lake Lena is sired by A Stylish Act a grandson of Highbrow Hickory and Bob Acre Doc. Her dam is by Joe Dee Doc and out of a daughter of Peppy San Badger. Katie is a very wonderful and great mi... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Mansfield, WA, United States


price: $4,650

AQHA Red Roan Experienced Sorting Cutting and Trail Riding Mare

JOSEY HANCOCK TIO Josey is a 12 yr old fifteen hand ranchbroke Red Roan American Quarter Horse Association registered mare. She came off a ranch in Oklahoma where she was used in most aspects of ca... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Troy, NC, United States

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