544 Tennessee Walking Horses for Sale

showing results 241 - 250 of 544


price: $150

WGC Triple Reg Stud

Schedule your spring 2020 breeding in advance and receive 100 off your stud fee. That is right your stud fee to triple registered WGC Ciscos Lethal Weapon will only cost 150. For limited time only.... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Wartburg, TN, United States


price: $1,250

Experienced Tennessee Walker, gelding

Johnny is my grandpa’s, 15 hand registered Tennessee Walker. He is 15 years old. He has been all over New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas and ridden by roads without spook. My... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Horseclicks

Summers, AR, United States


price: $1

Tennessee Walking Horse


Bethpage, TN, United States


price: $2,200

TWH mare for sale

Diamond is a registered TWH. She was shown last fall in Jackson Ohio and took 3 2nd place ribbons. She is ready to breed trail ride or show. Utd on all vaccines farrier and teeth. Smooth flat walk ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Johnstown, OH, United States


price: $1,250

Registered TWH Filly by WGC Watch It Now

Black Tennessee Walking Horse Filly foaled June 2 2019. She is by TWHBEA World Grand Champion Watch It Now and out of Just For A Kiss a direct JFK daughter. She is as cute as they come. She is curr... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Lewisburg, TN, United States


price: $750

Adorable TWH Filly

Spirit is a cutie. Spirit was bottle fed. She seeks attention being brushed and petted. Our daughters have been working with her on halter training she has had a pony saddle on and a bit in her mou... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Moody, AL, United States


price: $3,900

Smooth Riding Trail Horse

Jazzy is a great looking registered Palomino TWH. Shes thirteen years old and stands at about fifteen hands. Shes sound quiet and gentle but like most Walking Horses she out walks most Quarter Hors... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Raleigh, NC, United States


price: $2,400

Friendly Tennessee Walking Horse

Zebedee is a super lovable boy. He is wonderful because he has been well loved and treated with kindness, and I am protective of his happiness and comfort. His gaits are walk, flat walk, his versio... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Horseclicks

Pahrump, NV, United States


price: $3,750

BO 7yr Old Gelding

he want to please. Adores people and wants attention. Tries his best to figure out what you want. Gait is forward and he likes to go. He is not a run away he just wants to maintain gait and is a pl... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Citra, FL, United States


price: $3,500


8 yr old gelding tri color 142 hands gelding. Coming along great. Not a mean bone in him Just needs to be finished. He is not reg. Up to date on all shot. He is being ridden on trails and is a plea... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Citra, FL, United States

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More information on Tennessee Walking Horse

160px elvis

The Tennessee Walker or Tennessee Walking Horse is a breed of riding horse. The breed was originally bred in the Southern United States to carry the owners of plantations around their lands. They are known for their unique four-beat "running walk." The breed is rarely seen in any of the sport horse disciplines; however, they are popular in trail riding because of their smooth gaits, stamina and easy temper. They are also seen in Western riding disciplines and in harness.

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Tennessee Walking Horse Prices

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