544 Tennessee Walking Horses for Sale

showing results 331 - 340 of 544

price: N/A

Outbreak s Princess Amira - Female Tennessee Walking Horse

Amira came to rescue after a rough patch. Her owner has cancer and renter s of the family offered to care for his horses (Misty Break and Amira). Instead of caring for them they starved them When h... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Gallatin, TN, United States

price: N/A

Tennessee Walker Registered - Price: $,

For Sale Y o Registered Tennessee Walker Blue s Evening Shade Blue Grey Roan w Black Mane Tail and Legs Sharp Looker very willing Clips Ties Trailers with some trail riding miles on him... Photos a... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

year old Tennessee Walker black quot;white paint - Price: $

hands gelding registered Tennessee Walker he does stretch down to approximately . hands for rider to mount good trail ride horse...please call after pm..--- -- Images and contact details on Adverti... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

United States

price: N/A

Tennessee Walking ,Spotted Saddle Horse for Sale

-YEAR Old TWHBEA SSHBEA Reg.Mare trail broke Cute . hands.must sale... Pictures and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Bethel, MN, United States

price: N/A

Stunning Tennessee Walker Horse for Adoption

Hy has been trail ridden and shown She has a natural smooth gait on keg shoes and a natural aptitude for cantering She crosses creeks water mud fallen logs and debri and handles hills well She has ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Macaroni a Tennessee Walker, Gaited

**video** https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2387325341305411&id=113182565386378 Macaroni is a ten year old sixteen hand gaited mare who has been doing extensive ground work and being trai... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Huntington, WV, United States

price: N/A

Stunning Tennessee Walker yr old gelding - Price: $,

is being sold cheap for what he is a diamond in the rough because it will take a trainer a natural... Images and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Tennessee Walking Horse - Price: $,

Tess is years old Tennessee walking horse. Anybody can ride her. Have taken her on a lots of trail rides. She had all her shots and teeth work on. She loads and trim feet very well. She is very fri... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

United States

price: N/A

White Tennessee Walker - Price: $,

Jet Stream is a very handsome Tennessee Walker Paint gelding He is a loving guy that we rescued from the auction house a few months back He is approximately years old and has a nice personality We ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Several Tennessee Walking horses - Price: very CHEAP

need to downsize so you can upgrade your herd. Very inexpensive to GREAT home . will send pics as needed. colors chestnut cremello and black. Photos and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Syracuse, NY, United States

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More information on Tennessee Walking Horse

160px elvis

The Tennessee Walker or Tennessee Walking Horse is a breed of riding horse. The breed was originally bred in the Southern United States to carry the owners of plantations around their lands. They are known for their unique four-beat "running walk." The breed is rarely seen in any of the sport horse disciplines; however, they are popular in trail riding because of their smooth gaits, stamina and easy temper. They are also seen in Western riding disciplines and in harness.

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