544 Tennessee Walking Horses for Sale

showing results 381 - 390 of 544

price: N/A

Adopt Fiona a Tennessee Walker

Fiona is a black Tennessee Walker mare. She is gaited and is super precious. She can get a little ahead of herself when mounting and starting to ride but should come along quickly with more work. S... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Freeman - Male Tennessee Walking Horse

Freeman is A Free man Freeman came to Safe Harbor in Operation 1st Frost from White County. He was of the 1st of the horses that we were able to get released from legal hold. Freeman is a yearling ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Gallatin, TN, United States

price: N/A

Mulder - Male Tennessee Walking Horse

Scully and Mulder were left abandd at a home in Middle TN for years. They subsisted on pasture during this time but had little to no human contact. A Safe Harbor volunteer actually purchased the ho... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Gallatin, TN, United States

price: N/A

Mocha - Female Tennessee Walking Horse

Safe Harbor Sanctuary is a (c) non profit rescue based in Middle Tennessee. Please visit our web sitefor our adoption form and to read more about us (including our adoption area) on our About Adopt... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Gallatin, TN, United States

price: N/A

Ozzy - Male Tennessee Walking Horse Mix

Ozzy is a year old . barefoot Tennessee Walker gelding that came to us (believe it or not) as a stray in Philadelphia along with another pony. It doesn t seem that any has ever taught him how to ga... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

United States

price: N/A

Lilly - Female Tennessee Walking Horse

Lilly is a lovely very-gaited Tenn Walker mare who wants to be YOUR diva. She has been started under saddle but is still VERY green - Lilly has been doing very well with her ground training and we ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Sidell, FL, United States

price: N/A

Autumn Star - Female Tennessee Walking Horse

Autumn Star is a gorgeous young pony sized spotted saddle horses. She is stunning with a floaty gait flashy black and white and a soft gentle eye. She has that pony size that is so desirable in SSH... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Gallatin, TN, United States

price: N/A

Tennessee Walking Horse Colt

He is months old. Dad is . hands Mom is . hands. Dad is registered but Mom is grade so he can t be registered. He already leads has a precious personality and aims to please. Pictures and contact i... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

United States

price: N/A

Marley - Male Tennessee Walking Horse

Marley has recently been returned to the rescue. He will be re-evaluated and possibly going into training. Check back for updates Marley is a shy fellow. He has gained about pounds and is looking b... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Laurel, MD, United States

price: N/A

Rebel - Male Tennessee Walking Horse

Rebel is a sweet old guy who will certainly touch your heart as soon as you meet him. He is as calm as can be and absolutely loves and trusts people completely. He is nice in a herd or by himself. ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Gallatin, TN, United States

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More information on Tennessee Walking Horse

160px elvis

The Tennessee Walker or Tennessee Walking Horse is a breed of riding horse. The breed was originally bred in the Southern United States to carry the owners of plantations around their lands. They are known for their unique four-beat "running walk." The breed is rarely seen in any of the sport horse disciplines; however, they are popular in trail riding because of their smooth gaits, stamina and easy temper. They are also seen in Western riding disciplines and in harness.

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