544 Tennessee Walking Horses for Sale

showing results 451 - 460 of 544


price: N/A

Adopt Ringo a Chestnut/Sorrel Tennessee Walking Horse horse in Seville

Hello, my name is Ringo and I’m looking for my best friend who enjoys trail rides, grooming and long walks in the pasture...are you that person? I’m seventeen and a very stout 14.2h. Sometimes I ca... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Adopt-a-Pet.com

Seville, OH, United States


price: $1,250

Black Spotted Filly

Great filly with a smooth gait in the pasture DOB 71918 SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Greenville, GA, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Ventura a Tennessee Walker

4 black socks... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Lydia a Grade, Tennessee Walker

Left rear partial fetlock.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Stardust a Tennessee Walker

Medium whorl on forehead.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: $300

Adorable Filly

This darling little filly was rescued back in October. She was skin and bones sick untrained yet very lovable and abandoned at a cattle auction. Now this exquisite young lady is thriving. She is ab... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Azle, TX, United States


price: $5,000

TWH Perlino Golden Ticket Filly

This 2018 perlino filly carries color DNA genes of AACrCrEE certified by Animal Genetics. With these color genetics she can produce only buckskin color when paired with any bay black or red stallio... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Campbellsville, KY, United States


price: $7,000

GUNFIRE Registered 4 yr old Golden Cream Champagne Roan TWH

four year old HEAD TURNER. Rare Strawberry Cream Champagne Roan. Gaits and temperament to match. This guy LOVES the field trial game...he watches the dogs and feels totally involved. 16.1 hands and... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Chula, GA, United States


price: $1,250

Homozygous Black Broodmare

Buckskin producer. Always has a great colt for us. She is easy to handle. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Greenville, GA, United States


price: $1,250

Bred Sorrel Broodmare

Great sorrel mare bred to our perlino stud SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Greenville, GA, United States

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More information on Tennessee Walking Horse

160px elvis

The Tennessee Walker or Tennessee Walking Horse is a breed of riding horse. The breed was originally bred in the Southern United States to carry the owners of plantations around their lands. They are known for their unique four-beat "running walk." The breed is rarely seen in any of the sport horse disciplines; however, they are popular in trail riding because of their smooth gaits, stamina and easy temper. They are also seen in Western riding disciplines and in harness.

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