114 Female, White Horses for Sale

showing results 71 - 80 of 114

price: N/A

Black and white paint mare - Price: $

Black and white paint mare. years old hands. Rides great. Nice children horse. This mare has an old injury in her ankle and can t be ridden hard. - Photos and contact details on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

United States

price: N/A

Paint Black White Mare

Black White Paint mare Gentle nice riding horse for pleasure and trails About teen hands Shoes nice clips good trailers nice I Have a negative coggins but no shot records I have owned her for mnths... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Well trained white mare and gelding Horses to be re home for ado

Well trained white mare and gelding Horses to be re home for adoption they are nice for beginners and well trained riders contact with valid email and ph numbers for more info on adoption process..... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Astonish white mare and gelding Horses to be re home for adoptio

Astonish white mare and gelding Horses to be re home for adoption they are good for beginners and well trained riders contact with valid email and ph numbers for more details on adoption process...... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

very cute black and white filly

stunning little filly will take deposit to hold til ready in sept... Photos and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Beautiful Red White Pinto Colt - Price: $

Sagar is a gorgeous sorrel pinto colt with an impressive blood line Dam is HOF Halter Mare Caldwells Playmate of the Year pinto Sire is Arenosa bred WCF Buckeye Paposo Amigo pinto Here is your chan... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Beautiful Red Roan Geld. Mule and White mare. Both need mule hom

Mule home needed for mules. Geld has been ridden and had days of riding from a mule rider. Images and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Guilford, IN, United States

price: N/A

Brown White Paint Filly Lame Saw at Auction - Price: $

Be aware that this horse has a lame leg I saw it at the auction and it topped off at and owner would not sell at that price Ask him if it is lame Its hind leg was injured and if I remember correctl... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Very Smart Reg SSH TWH Br White Tobiano Mare - Price: $,

years old hands lovely baby born on my farm and hand raised with love and trained using... Pictures and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

AMHR black with white socks mare - Price: $

Keno is a permanent registered AMHR Mare She is very friendly halter broke and stands well for grooming and farrier Keno would make a lovely cart horse Package deal available minis leather harness ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States