431 Female, Male, Medium Horses for Sale

showing results 301 - 310 of 431


price: N/A

Adopt Chelsea a Quarterhorse

Right front fetlock and right hind stocking. Small whorl forehead.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Lorelei a Thoroughbred

Some white on neck. Small whorl forehead. Medium whorl on lower part of right & left neck.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Suzie a Paint / Pinto

Tan patches around both eyes and around right side of face.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Ms. Vicky a Quarterhorse

White patch top of tail.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Breeze a Quarterhorse

Left rear pastern. Left front (partial back) pastern. Whorl on forehead.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Stardust a Tennessee Walker

Medium whorl on forehead.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Gina a Quarterhorse

... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Satin a Quarterhorse

Medium whorl on forehead. Faint stripe disconnected.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Wildfire a Quarterhorse

Right & left rear stockings. Large whorl on forehead. White chin.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Heidi a Quarterhorse

Right front sock. Medium whorl on forehead. White on croup.... see more at Petfinder.com SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Hitchcock, TX, United States