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9,950 Female Horses for Sale

showing results 8,841 - 8,850 of 9,950

price: N/A

Stunning Black Sabino Filly

black with lots of chrome stockings She has a good back end front reach perfect conformation... Images and contact details on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Limited bookings available for season

foal Experienced wet and dry mare care available Call or email for booking info... Images and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Two beautiful well bred and trained Mini Mares

Daisey and Onxy are both year old miniature horse mares that are very well bred proven broodmares... Pictures and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States


price: $13,000

1st Premie Reserve Champion Norbert444xFridse423

VIDEO httpswww.youtube.comwatch?vCg0tJmOrkk Registered with KFPS. first Premie Reserve Champion Filly NEGATIVE for Hydro Dwarfism Dam Midori is Fridse x Aan. Her 2017 Sape colt is 15.2hh in your po... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Equine Now

Gilson, IL, United States

price: N/A

Rare Golden Friesian Cross Mare

palomino in winter This filly can move fast spin on a dime so could make a great gaming pony and with nice... Photos and contact information on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Spiritsweet little traveling sorral mare

Spirit is a adorable in your pocket little . hands tall and year old mare. She has a cute neck rein flat walk nonspooky crosses water goes where you ask her too. Gets along with other horses and ca... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

yr old AQHA Mare

play day horse No bad habits other than she doesn t like clippers Easy to haul and trim feet Really... Photos and contact information on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Awesome kids horse

yo mare ridden English and western knows all the Parelli games Loves to jump Easy keep barefoot...... Images and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Beautiful multi purpose mare beigian horse ready to go contact u

farm machinery safely and is well trained enough for a lady or teenager to use She will drive single... Photos and contact details on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States

price: N/A

Red dun roan QH for sale

Lily is a year old quarter horse mare that stands hands and can be used for trail riding... Images and contact info on Advertigo website. SEE MORE DETAILS found on Advertigo

Los Angeles, CA, United States