1 Large, Female, Rocky Mountain Horse for Sale

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Adopt Vixen a Rocky Mountain Horse

2008 Rocky Mountain Cross Mare, 14h Vixen is healthy, sound, and has stunning ground manners but is unsure of herself under saddle because of a previous bad experience. She is lovable, great with k... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Nicholasville, KY, United States

More information on Rocky Mountain Horse

160px mare and foal %28kvetina marie%29

Around the turn of the 20th century, a young horse soon to be called the Rocky Mountain Horse appeared in eastern Kentucky that gave rise to a line of horses prized by North American and European owners. On the farm of Sam Tuttle in Spout Springs Kentucky, there stood a stallion "Old Tobe". This sure footed, gentle horse carried young, old, and inexperienced riders over the rugged mountain trails of Natural Bridge State Park where Sam held the concession for horse-back riding. Even though Old Tobe was a breeding stallion, he carried riders without faltering. He fathered many fine horses up until the age of 37, and many of the present Rocky Mountain Horses carry his bloodline.

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