300 Large, Male, Female Horses for Sale

showing results 131 - 140 of 300


price: N/A

Adopt BRAMBLE a Pony

Bramble came to us in the beginning of 2019 wild and fearful. It was obvious that no 1 had handled her and she was feral. Her mane and tail were thick with burrs and tangles. However, with the gent... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt LA BELLE a Arabian, Quarterhorse

La Belle is a adorable mare. She has been very easy to handle since she was born at the ranch. La Belle's mom was rescued with numerous other horses. Luckily she had enough recovery time at the ran... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt ZONIA a Quarterhorse

Zonia was rescued with numerous other horses from a neglectful home. The sheriff's department seized a large number of horses, including Zonia. She is a young Quarter mare that has a calm and relax... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt YOYO a Appaloosa

Three-year-old white and brown Appaloosa, YoYo came to HSMO's Longmeadow Rescue Ranch after surviving a severe case of neglect. Before coming to the ranch, YoYo suffered from a very heavy parasite ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt TWIZZLER a Appaloosa

Twizzler is an Appaloosa mare with tons of potential. She is stocky and beautifully marked. We are starting Twizzler in the training program at Longmeadow. We anticipate that she will be a nice rid... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt LA PIE a Quarterhorse, Arabian

La Pie came to Longmeadow in February 2016. She was pregnant and underweight. She has since had her foal and is a healthy weight. We think La Pie may have been started under tack but she doesn't se... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt DUCHESS a Pony

Duchess is a calm, cool and collected POA filly. She came from severe neglect where she was living among deceased horses. In spite of the treatment Duchess loves all people. After a few months of r... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt MYSTIQUE a Arabian, Quarterhorse

Mystique's mother came to Longmeadow as a rescue back in March of 2018. At 1st, staff was unaware that her mother was in foal. Thankfully our well established team of vets discovered we had a foal ... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt PENNY a Mustang, Pony

We were told that this chestnut mare is part POA and part Mustang. Penny does not appear to be broke to ride but has been excelling quickly in our groundwork program. She is an inquisitive mare who... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Union, MO, United States


price: N/A

Adopt Arabella a Tennessee Walker

Gorgeous Arabella! Ahhhhh, such a lovely young mare. She has been in/out of our rescue since she was received on intact as a young horse with her mom. "Bells" was originally adopted into a adorable... SEE MORE DETAILS found on Petfinder.com

Mouth Of Wilson, VA, United States